Connect with
others and learn
about yourself.

Connect with
others and learn
about yourself.

Expand insight and skills through shared experience

There’s something powerful about experiential learning and growth that happens naturally as people open up and support each other.

We create and lead topic-specific support groups and intensives, skill-building and wellness programs, along with other workshops and activities for clients and the community. Groups provide mutual learning and opportunities for support. Intensives can be a catalyst for understanding and accelerated growth and change.

Why join a group?

Together we share concerns, tackle issues, and learn from a wide range of perspectives…all within a safe and comfortable setting. Participants gain self-awareness and support, and benefit from the energy and connection a group environment brings.

Group therapy is an effective strategy that offers a supportive, confidential space to share and understand fresh perspectives, and experiment with new ways of being. You are able to develop insight, and gain tools and techniques to feel successful in school, work, relationships and life.

What to expect from your group experience?

Increased sense of belonging and real connection
Greater self-awareness and understanding
New ways of relating to different people
Increased ability to give and receive honest feedback and support
Enhanced problem-solving, communication, and relationship skills
Greater ease in identifying, expressing and managing feelings
Trust and empowerment in yourself
Increased confidence, self-acceptance and self-esteem

Group Offerings

Building Connection and Resilience using RO DBT:

A support group for developing a flexible and open mindset

This skill-building and support group is meant to supplement individual therapy for those diagnosed with chronic depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and OCD traits. The group incorporates skills from RO DBT, ACT, and positive psychology to improve capacities for emotional and cognitive flexibility, social connection, effective communication, and emotional awareness, regulation, and expressiveness.

What to Expect:

  • Engagement through experiential learning
  • Shifts in perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs
  • Enhanced emotional resilience and confidence
  • Improved ability to genuinely connect with others
  • Expanded growth and personal fulfillment

Ongoing sign-up for Fall 2024, TBD

Facilitator: Jessica Acosta, LCPC
To sign | 847-565-6400

Trauma Support Group

For survivors of sexual abuse and violence

This 7-week support group is open to survivors of sexual violence age 18+ of all gender identities. Explore, express and learn to cope with difficult emotions related to past or recent experiences of sexual abuse or assault. Connect with others and experience the comfort of knowing that you are not alone.

What to Expect:

  • Learn coping skills for the impacts of trauma
  • An affirming, anti-victim-blaming space
  • Experience community & connection with others
  • Explore the impacts of personal, social & cultural contexts
  • Art-making is available as an option for expression: no experience is necessary

Fall 2024, currently accepting new members, time & date TBD
Facilitator: Beth Enterkin, LCPC, art therapist

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6408 or

Eating Disorder Recovery Group

For giving and getting support

Be part of an ongoing group that supports your recovery. Here we’ll continue to develop new mindsets and approaches to becoming free from eating disorder thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The best part of the group is being with other people in recovery who “get it” — and are on the same path towards recovery, right alongside you.

What to Expect:

  • Enhance interpersonal skills and mindfulness
  • Address issues of shame, judgment, self-worth
  • Explore mixed feelings about recovery
  • Enhance motivation for recovery
  • Increase emotional wellbeing
  • Increase positive body awareness and expression

Ongoing Group – accepting new members now for Fall 2024
Facilitator: Hannah Gupton, LCPC

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Cultivating Resilience

A support group for dealing with stress

Stress can feel inevitable, impacting our productivity, satisfaction, healthy communication, and relationships. The group will focus on social support and effective and long-term approaches. We’ll examine the roots and manifestations of stress and develop a personalized toolbox of strategies for maintaining personal balance.

What to Expect:

  • Learn healthy coping methods
  • Increase physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Develop tools for reducing stress and anxiety
  • Cultivate and establish self-care and other routines
  • Experience the benefits of giving and getting support

Group Forming Now for Fall 2024
Facilitators: Hannah Gupton, LCPC

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

College Support Group

Building an emotional toolbox

This group is for students who want to develop a more flexible, positive growth mindset. Themes explored include: making friends, dealing with stress, taking care of yourself, creating structure and navigating your own path. We’ll talk about roommates, substances, sex, boundaries and values. You’ll find more confidence, self-awareness and discover your ability to meet the challenges that college brings.

What to Expect:

  • Get support and make meaningful connections
  • Understand and learn to manage emotions
  • Improve communication skills and interpersonal effectiveness
  • Develop confidence for managing stressors and building friendships
  • Bolster problem-solving, resource-finding and self-advocacy abilities
  • Navigate independence and connection with home

Group forming now for Fall 2024, through Telehealth
Facilitators:  Hannah Gupton, LCPC

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400, press 3 or

Queer Student Support Group

Empower your intersecting identities

Explore and validate a wide range of experiences moving through today’s world. This ongoing process group is for LGBTQIA+ individuals. Make new connections and get support.

What to Expect:

  • Share feelings to increase intimacy between self and others
  • Increase communication and build on existing interpersonal skills
  • Learn how to express your thoughts and accept feedback from others
  • Process the impacts of our political and social climate
  • Give and receive empathic support
  • Engage in problem-solving with others

Group forming now for Fall 2024
Facilitator:  Lisa Howard, LSW

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Building Social Confidence Group

Learn new skills and develop your capacity for relationship-building

This is a 6-week group that introduces strategies to overcome anxiety and build meaningful connections with others. We’ll explore strategies and steps to challenge the assumptions and beliefs that keep us feeling stuck.

What to Expect:

  • Understand social anxiety and learn how to overcome it
  • Identify social situations that are more likely to set you up for success in relationships
  • Develop skills for listening and talking with others
  • Learn how to be more present in your relationships and less caught up in anxious thoughts

Group forming now for Fall 2024, through Telehealth
Facilitators: Ellie Pierson, LCSW

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

High School Support Group

Overcome personal stress, social stress & academic pressure

A 6-week group for high school students who want better coping strategies for dealing with school, parents, relationships, and more. Learn to better manage your busy schedule, expectations, and burnout. Together, we’ll explore emotions and gain tools and skills to feel a little better about growing up and growing into the people you want to be.

What to Expect:

  • Learn to identify physical and emotional signs of stress
  • Better concentration
  • Less procrastination
  • Less anxiety, including test anxiety
  • Get support and build connections

Group forming now Fall 2024
Facilitator: Nora Frazin, LCSW

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Parents of Teens Support Group

Join other parents in understanding the challenges of the teen years and develop strategies for helping your teen manage through it. Share concerns, exchange ideas and get support from other parents. Develop tools to help your teen navigate a very different world from the one you grew up in as they cope with competition, media overload, peer pressure, identity issues, and sexuality. Learn how to deal with the challenges teens face in their lives and in the cyber world.

What to Expect:

  • Be a more effective and empowered parent
  • Enhance communication and listening skills
  • Discover ways to provide emotional support and improve connection
  • Learn how to help develop problem-solving skills
  • Find stress reduction strategies you and your teen can use

Group forming now Fall 2024,  through Telehealth
Facilitator: Jessica Acosta, LCPC

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Young Adult Support Group

Building emotional wellbeing & life strategies

Have you gotten stuck and aren’t sure how to move forward? Do you need the support of a group in learning and developing new skills and building a positive mindset?  Learn how to get past the barriers keeping you from taking next steps for living the life you want in school, career and relationships – and within yourself.

What to Expect:

  • Identify obstacles to autonomy and success
  • Develop the ability to set goals, plan, find resources, and move forward
  • Find what motivates you to energize change and progress
  • Learn approaches for managing expectations, stress, and emotions
  • Improve communication and problem-solving skills
  • Discover stress reduction strategies you can use

Group forming now Fall 2024, TBA
Facilitator: Steve Rosen, LSW, MBA & Ellie Pierson, LCSW

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Graduate Student Support Group

Moving forward and finding support

Explore personal issues unique to the graduate student experience in a confidential group therapy model. We cover the challenges related to graduate school — competition, unstructured time, working independently and overcoming isolation, projects and research and finally getting out into the job market. Come share your concerns, get support, and learn from others. Ongoing group that accepts new members on a rolling basis.

What to Expect:

  • Learn to manage stress, anxiety, and isolation
  • Find the balance between academic demands and other parts of life you value
  • Cultivate and find self-care routines
  • Develop your capacity for self-motivation
  • Learn to cultivate a positive mindset
  • Enhance your emotional wellbeing

Join now, for Fall 2024
Facilitators: Jessica Acosta, LCPC & Steve Rosen, LSW, MBA

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or

Individualized, Custom Couple Therapy Intensive

Everyone goes through challenges of different kinds in their relationships. We support you in repairing, building, and strengthening your relationship, whatever stage it’s in or issues you are facing. The Couple Therapy Intensive is an individualized experience designed to accelerate learning and change while taking into account your work, family, and other commitments. It is a private and effective alternative to a larger couple retreat program or once-a-week sessions.

What to Expect:

  • Assess your situation, core issues, concerns, and goals.
  • Create a plan tailoring your schedule, length of sessions, and the mix of individual and couple sessions in determining what will work best for you.
  • Learn to recognize and change relationship patterns, dynamics, and other obstacles to closeness and find ways to increase positive feelings and experiences together.
  • Develop communication, conflict, and stress management skills, and enhance emotional awareness so you can better understand and be understood by your partner.
  • Move toward improved connection and intimacy in various aspects of your relationship and create a foundation for sustainable change and growth.

Contact us to create a custom program.
Facilitators: Claudia Rosen, LCSW & Steve Rosen, LSW, MBA

For more information, please contact us at 847-565-6400 or