Individualized, Custom Couple Therapy Intensive

Overcoming obstacles and rebuilding trust with a tailored, intensive therapy experience designed for lasting change.

Everyone goes through challenges of different kinds in their relationships. We support you in repairing, building, and strengthening your relationship, whatever stage it’s in or issues you are facing. The Couple Therapy Intensive is an individualized experience designed to accelerate learning and change while taking into account your work, family, and other commitments. It is a private and effective alternative to a larger couple retreat program or once-a-week sessions.

  • Assess your situation, core issues, concerns, and goals.
  • Create a plan tailoring your schedule, length of sessions, and the mix of individual and couple sessions in determining what will work best for you.
  • Learn to recognize and change relationship patterns, dynamics, and other obstacles to closeness and find ways to increase positive feelings and experiences together.
  • Develop communication, conflict, and stress management skills, and enhance emotional awareness so you can better understand and be understood by your partner.
  • Move toward improved connection and intimacy in various aspects of your relationship and create a foundation for sustainable change and growth.

Contact us to create a custom program.

Claudia Rosen, LCSW & Steve Rosen, LSW, MBA

Claudia offers a personalized and supportive experience of counseling for individuals, couples, families, and groups. She tailors her approach to each client’s unique challenges and goals through weekly or more intensive schedules and longer term growth-oriented therapy.

Steve works with individuals, couples, families, and groups with a positive, goal-oriented, solution-focused approach. He collaborates actively with clients to bolster their motivations and confidence, broaden their perspectives and sense of self, enhance relationships and support networks, and to function better in day-to-day life.