Anxiety & Stress

Feelings of anxiety and stress in facing uncertain or challenging situations can be part of everyone’s experience. But sometimes we need support when anxiety or stress are persistent, impacts our functioning and how we live our daily lives.

Anxiety can present in a variety of ways: stress and worry, physical discomfort, difficulty sleeping, racing thoughts, and panic experiences. It can affect us most of the time or some of the time, in social situations, or when confronted with particular triggers or fears. While not always related, anxiety can also be anchored in obsessive thoughts or ritualistic behaviors.

With the right care, stress and anxiety are treatable and you can find ways to feel better. We can help you with:
● Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
● Panic disorder
● Phobias
● Social anxiety disorder
● Stress & worry (stress management)
● Avoidance and procrastination
● Perfectionism
● Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Depression & Other Mood Disorders

It is normal to experience feelings of sadness or disappointment, or have brief experiences of feeling less energetic and motivated. For some of us, these feelings can become more intense or persistent and interfere with how we function on a daily basis and in our work and relationships. Various forms of depression can be triggered by life events, seasonally, or because of neurobiology.

Depression can sometimes cycle with periods of intense energy and euphoric mood, which is known as hypomania or mania. These can be symptoms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder can also present as cycles or periods of profound depression that alternate with periods of more normal mood and functioning.

Some people also struggle with emotion dysregulation and need help learning to find balance in dealing with intense emotions.

We can support you with a mix of approaches to help with:
● Major depressive disorder
● Mild to moderate depression
● Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
● Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
● Postpartum / perinatal depression
● Depression due to an illness or life event
● Bipolar disorder
● Pessimism / negativity / irritability
● Mood instability
● Emotion dysregulation

Trauma & PTSD

Trauma can be caused by a one time event or from a series of challenging experiences. Sometimes there are no specific symptoms but there can still be a need to get emotional support in recovering from difficult experiences. Symptoms that can present may take the form of intrusive thoughts, feelings or images, flashbacks, nightmares, feelings of numbness, feeling jumpy or irritable, and avoiding people, places, or situations that trigger memories of the traumatic experience. When symptoms or painful emotions last longer than one month and affect how we function, it is important to get specialized help.

Through tailored therapeutic treatments, it is possible to heal from past and recent traumas and memories and to restore physical and emotional wellbeing.

At Connections Health, we can support your recovery from:
● Acute stress disorder
● Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
● Persistent mood issues related to trauma
● Anxiety related to trauma
● Shame and other intense emotions related to trauma
● Complex trauma
● Developmental trauma